Bioschleim kalt stellen, Flak-Partikel ins Geschoss packen und ASMD an den Akku: Unreal Tournament 2004 ist da! Das futuristische Schlachtfeld lockt mit frischen Spielmodi, verbessertem Gameplay und viel virtuellem Blei. Ob die enttäuschten UT2003-Spieler wieder aufatmen können, verrät der ausführliche Test!
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Downhill Domination (Sport) – Downhill Domination
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Spawn: Armageddon (Action-Adventure) – Spawn: Armageddon
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Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm (Shooter) – Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm
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Kirby Air Ride (Plattformer) – Kirby Air Ride
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Schizm 2 (Adventure) – Schizm 2
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Wrath Unleashed (Taktik & Strategie) – Wrath Unleashed
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Firestarter (Shooter) – Firestarter
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Nightshade (Action-Adventure) – Nightshade
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The Westerner (Adventure) – The Westerner
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The I of the Dragon (Rollenspiel) – The I of the Dragon
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Whiplash (Plattformer) – Whiplash
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Etherlords II (Taktik & Strategie) – Etherlords II
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MegaMan X7 (Arcade-Action) – MegaMan X7
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Puyo Pop Fever (Geschicklichkeit) – Puyo Pop Fever
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Conan (Action-Adventure) – Conan
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Battlefield Vietnam (Shooter) – Battlefield Vietnam
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kill.switch (Shooter) – kill.switch
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Lords of EverQuest (Taktik & Strategie) – Lords of EverQuest
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I-Ninja (Action-Adventure) – I-Ninja
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Deus Ex: Invisible War (Rollenspiel) – Deus Ex: Invisible War
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